Guided Tours
Do you feel a bit worried riding around the crowded streets of Tokyo by yourself ? Do you want someone to show you around Tokyo ? Then let us guide you ! We'll be happy to ride with you and show you around Tokyo, providing our schedules meet. Please feel free to contact us if you're interested.

- We currently do not have any pre-scheduled rides. Guided rides are scheduled on a per-request basis.
- Guided rides can be scheduled on WEEKENDS ONLY, when any of our staff are available.
- Please contact us at least 2 weeks prior to your preferred date of the guide ride.
After confirming the above conditions, contact to request a guide.
- When sending a guide request via email, be sure to include the following information :
- Name
- Preferred date of guide
- Arriving date to Tokyo
- Departing date from Tokyo
- Number of People joinig the ride
- Prefered course (Any requests you have. Please refer to our Ride Courses page for some suggestions)
- Bringing you own bike, or planning to rent one
- Experience in cyling : Beginner / Intermediate / Experienced/Sport Rider
- Where (what country) will you be visiting us from ?
- How did you find this website ?
An email will be returned upon recipt of the request.
DISCLAIMER: Cycle Tokyo! acknowledges that the information appearing on this website may not be accurate or comprehensive, and may be out of date. Cycle Tokyo ! accepts no liability whatsoever for any claim related to any errors or ambiguities in the information
appearing on this website.