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Corona Virus (COVID-19) Situation in Tokyo


As a group that usually welcomes everyone to visit and enjoy cycling in Tokyo, this is an unfortunate post.

The widespread of the Corona Virus is growing in Tokyo, on the verge of overshoot.

On 7 April Prime Minister Abe proclaimed a state of emergency from 8 April to 6 May for Tokyo and the prefectures of Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba, Osaka, Hyogo and Fukuoka.

It is strongly suggested that visiting Tokyo be avoided.
People already in Tokyo should avoid meeting in groups and visiting places where people gather.
Please be conscious about keeping social distance in order to prevent spreading or receiving the virus. You, or the person next to you may be a virus carrier.
Many shops and facilities will be closed following the issuing of the State of Emergency.

Cycle Tokyo! will postpone all guided rides until it is deemed safe.
Your understanding is appreciated.

Riding the bike is good to keep fit during this #stayhome #staysafe time. Keep cycling around the neighborhood by yourself....NO GROUP RIDING.

Again, please stay safe and healthy, and hope we'll be able to ride together around Tokyo again !



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