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The New Year Ornaments


In the end of the year, you might find a car which is put a colorful decoration on the radiator grill.
The decoration called Shougatsu Kazari. (The New Year Ornaments)


It is a lucky charm to pray for safty of next year and hung from the middle of December to the middle of January.
Some people attach it on thier bicycle as a kind of joke.


Originally, It is hung on the front door to welcome Toshigami-sama (a god of grain) which is believed to bring good fortune.
It is also attach on a door of lavatory and a faucet in the kitchin to purify impurity.


A straw rope. It is one of the holy symbol of Shinto.

Ise-Ebi (lobster)
The long antennas and bent back symbolize a long life.

some piece of paper which is cut in special shape.It is a seal expressing a sanctuary.

Urajiro (a kind of fern)
The reverse side of a leaf is covered with short white hair. The white hair is associated with a gray head, i.e., a long life.

When I was a kid, many cars used to have this decoration in this season.
Of course my father hung with it on his Toyota.
But those cars are decreasing recentry because this custom have been falling into disuse.
If you find such a car at a parking lot, I recommend checking it.



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