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Cycle Tokyo! in '2007

2007 was the second year for Cycle Tokyo!, and we are glad to report that we had continued biking inquiries and requests for guides all throughout the year.
We're on the top now on Google English, looking up "cycling" and "Tokyo" !


Though we haven't changed alot this year, we've kept the information fresh.
We added one detailed ride course with route maps, and we added a page explaining the general distances between areas within central Tokyo.

Online Interaction
Email inquiries (cycle-tokyo"at"cycling.jp -change "at" with @) continue to come, and we welcome them. They range from requests for guided rides, bike shop information, advice on riding the Tokyo streets, to route information.
We setup the forum this year, so please don't hesitate to post any comments or questions you may have about biking in Tokyo.

Guided Tours
We managed to host 5 guided bike tours this year. (1 was postponed due to rain.)
We did have to decline more than few requests because our schedules did not meet, and we are very sorry about that. We plan to do something about this.

Wrap Up
The second year for Cycle Tokyo! was a solid one, with lots of access to the site from all over the world, and constant contacts from many cyclists. Though we can never be too satisfied, we think we responded to a majority of people's requests, and answered their questions.
Thanks to our staffs for the cooperation and effort.

For 2008, we plan to keep solid, and at the same time consider expanding our resources a little bit to handle the many requests we get for guided tours. Let's see how it goes. We'll continue to be the one-stop reference for Tokyo cycling !

As always, feedback and comments about this site and our activity is welcome.

Happy holidays !


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 25, 2007 10:26 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Happy New Year !.

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