A half-day to one-day casual ride covering points of interest in southwest central Tokyo. The course covers the imperial palace, a good brunch, Tokyo Tower, Roppongi Hills, and parks while visiting a number of foreign embassies (18)in between.
JR Tokyo Station - Miyakezaka - Roppongi(ARK Hills) - Tokyo Tower - NishiAzabu - Roppongi(Roppongi Hills) - Hiroo - Aoyama Cemetery - Gingu Gaien - Akasaka
東京駅 - 三宅坂 - 六本木(アークヒルズ) - 東京タワー - 西麻布 - 六本木 - 広尾 - 青山墓地 - 神宮外苑 - 赤坂
The course starts off from the Marunouchi-exit of Tokyo Station.
Tokyo Station is the central terminal station of the dense train network in Tokyo, It is the starting point of the Tokaido, Tohoku, and Johetsu Shinkansen (bullet train) routes, as well as many local lines. The number of trains going in and out of this giant station totals up to 4000, the most in Japan. The station building is a historical red brick building built in 1914 , and is designated as an important national property. There are many shops and restaurants inside the station.
東海道新幹線、東北新幹線、上越新幹線の各新幹線網の拠点である。また在来線の起点でもあり、周りに多くのオフィス街のあることから、一日中多くの乗降者で賑わっている。首都東京の表玄関とも言うべき中央ターミナル駅であり、1914年に完成した赤レンガが特徴の建物である。 1日あたりの発着する列車の本数約4,000本(日本一)という日本最大級の駅である。
Start the ride off at JR Tokyo Station. Ride half way around the Imperial Palace. Uchibori-dori is car-free on Sundays, when Palace Cycling takes place.
Palace Cycling Course (Restroom nearby) : The Palace Cycling Course a 3 km bicycle path open to the public from Iwaidabashi to Hirakawamon at Uchibori Dori every Sunday from 10a.m. to 3p.m. (Cancel in case of rain) You can use the free rental bicycle service to cycle around the course. Various bicycles are available, from mountain bikes to children's bikes, to tandem bicycles. Of course it's free to ride on your own bike.
パレスサイクリング*近くにトイレあり : 毎週日曜日に皇居前の一般道を自動車通行止めにして実施されているサイクリングコースである。午前10時から午後3時まで。内堀通りの祝田橋~平川門間の往復で約3km。自分の自転車の持ち込みもできるし、レンタサイクルもできる。レンタサイクルでままちゃりや子供用自転車、タンデム、リカンベントを借りてのんびりサイクリングを楽しむ親子連れやカップルがいれば、本格的なロード自転車を持ち込んでのサイクリストも多く見かける。
The Imperial Palace : The Imperial Palace is located where Edo-Jo (Edo-Castle) formerly was. It became the imperial palace in 1868 (Meiji 1), and is now the residence of Japanese Imperial family. The palace buildings and inner gardens are not open to public, but East gardens (Higashi Gyoen) are open to the public except Mondays and Fridays. It provides tours visiting The Imperial Palace ( Free for Charge / Reservation necessary).
皇居 The Imperial Palace かつては徳川幕府の居城で江戸城だった。 1868年(明治元年)に皇居となり、現在は天皇とその一家が住んでいる。皇居内の庭園は散策可能である。
Head towards Kitano-Maru, turn left at the Chidorigafuchi intersection where the British Embassy is located. Head along the palace dungeon and ride past the National Theater and the Supreme Court.
Supreme Court of Japan : 日本国の最上位の裁判所である。
The National Theatre of Japan : 日本の伝統芸能である歌舞伎、文楽、舞踊等の公演を行っている。
The National Theatre of Japan : The large and small theatres were opened in 1966. It has presented Japanese traditional performing arts such as Kabuki, Bunraku, Noh. The "Ear-phone Guide" service provides explanation relating plot, music, actors and features of Kabuki and Bunraku in English.
Head towards the Diet Building at Miyakezaka Intersection. Pass through the ministry district, down the hill along the Patent Office and cross the street to the United Staes embassy.
National Diet Building : 日本の政治の中心で昭和11年(1936)に建設された建物。左右対称の造りとなっていて、正面から見て左側が衆議院、右側が参議院である。参議院は平日であれば見学可能。
National Diet Building : The Diet building was built in 1936, and acts as the center of Japanese politics. It is a symmetric building with the House of Councillors on the right and the House of Representatives on the left. Tours are available on weekdays, where tour (House of Councillors only) takes around 60 minutes.
There's a bit steep hill; Ren-nan-zaka next to the American embassy. Climb the hill up to the back end of Hotel Okura, take a turn and you'll reach Kihachi Cafe, a fancy cafe resturant owned by a famous Japanese chef, Kumagai Kihachi.
Kihachi Cafe (Restroom inside) : Kihachi Cafe serves sandwiches, cakes featuring sesame, powdered green tea and seasonal fruits under the direction of Kihachi Kumagai, who is a familiar a name in television and magazines. It is a good place to have a break with good drinks and food. The street facing the cafe will bloom with cherry blossoms in the spring time, a great teatime location. Recommendations : Lunch Plate (2000 yen), Trifle Roll, Monbran, Monthly Parfet
パティスリーキハチ・アークヒルズ店*レストラン内にトイレあり : ちょっとした食事ができ、ケーキやパフェ等のデザートが充実していておいしい。おなかが空いていれば、ドリンクとデザートの付いたランチプレート2,000円を。ケーキではトライフルロールとモンブランがおいしい!おすすめ!月替わりのパフェも季節感があっておすすめです。カフェの前の通りは桜並木で、春(4月)になると見事な桜を眺めながらティータイムをすることができる。全日空ホテル横の桜坂から自転車で登っていくと、テラスの赤い屋根が目印になる。
As you leave Kihachi Cafe, take a look at the Spain Embassy and Sweden Embassy nearby.
Heading towards Shiba-Park from Hotel Okura, stop by the Danish Embassy. Take a picture of the Tokyo Tower from a distance away, if you want to fit the tower all in your lens !
The Tower is nearby. If you want to take a photo of the the tower from below, here's how you would have to aim !
Tokyo Tower(restroom inside) : The symbol of Tokyo in operation from 1958 is 333 meters and has a main observatory at 150 meters and a special observatory at 250 meters high. You can enjoy the view of Mt. Fuji as well as the view of the Kanto plain from the observatory if the weather condition is good. They have a cafe and souvenir stores at main observatory.
東京タワーは東京のシンボルである。夜にはライトアップされる 1958年(昭和33年)開業で自立鉄塔としては世界一の高さ333mを誇る地上150mにある大展望台からは関東一円の景色が楽しめる。
Heading towards Roppongi intersection, you'll see the walls of the Russian Embassy on your left.
Be carful of increase in traffic, as you approach Roppongi. Take a left at Roppongi 5 Intersection and head stragiht towards the Singapore Embassy.
Ride down Torii-Zaka to arrive at Azabu-Juban. You won't miss the Roppongi-Hills skyscraper. Climb the Keyaki-Zaka just below the Roppongi Hills, and take a left at the top towards Hiroo and Arisugawa. Norway and Swiss Embassies are located on the downhill nearby Arisugawa Park.
Roppongi area is popular with young people and foreigners because there are nice restaurants, trendy bars and clubs. Roppongi Hills is a symbol in the area and provides Grand Hyatt Tokyo, high-class apartments, offices, an art museum, nice shops and restaurants.
Next to Arisugawa Park is Asabu Supermarket, an international supermarket. Park the bike in the park and take a stoll to the market. You'll see that many overseas residents come to shop here. If you're lucky to find the brown coffee van with the "Motoya Express" sign in the parking lot, buy a cup of coffee (or tea) to drink back at the park.
Arisgawa Park :Arisgawa Park is a beautiful and quiet Japanese landscape garden in central Tokyo. It's famous for cherry blossoms in spring, and iris in summer. A place of recreation and relaxation.
National Azabu Super Market(Restroom on the second floor) : National Azabu Market has a long tradition of serving the overseas community. You'll see a lot of overseas families shopping here. They carry a wide variety of foods such as turkey, ham, ducks, baking supplies, cheese, wine and liquor. If you miss your country's food, you might find it here.
麻布ナショナルマーケット--toilet *2Fの階段を上がったところにトイレあり 世界各国の食材が並べられたスーパーマーケット。チーズやワイン、パンなどの種類が充実している。外国人の親子連れが買い物している姿がよく見られる。トルティーヤ、ベーグル、チャパタがおすすめ。
Motoya Express : Motoya Express is a food and drink van that serves good coffee at the National Azabu Super Market Parking lot. (as well as other places around Tokyo) Coffee aroma fills the van. Espresso and "Hawaiian", espresso with condensed milk, are very popular.
MOTOYA Express : 移動式のコーヒー販売自動車で、ナショナル麻布スーパーマーケットの駐車場内で営業している。本格的なエスプレッソやドリップコーヒーがリーズナブルなお値段で楽しめる。
This is an international area in Tokyo, with many embassies in the neighborhood. Germany, Finland, France embassies are located along this route. As you have noticed by now, embassies are characteristic of Tokyo, the capitol of Japan. Riding around embassies is a very "Tokyo" thing !
Now, if you want to cover as many embassies as you can, you can stop by Roman, Greece, Laos Embassies nearby.
Leave the Hiroo/Azabu area and head towards the Aoyama district. Cross the Nishi Azabu intersection and head a little to the entrance of the Aoyama Cemetery. Ride though the cemetery, and head on to Aoyama Dori, then the Jinguu Gaien (Outer Garden). Watch for people when the cherrys and autumn leaves are beautiful. There'll be alot of people out.
Aoyama Cemetery (Restroom inside) : Aoyama Cemetery is a 26,000-square-meter park and established in 1872. Many famous people lie here. A path allows visitors to stroll across this park. It offers wonderful respite from the noise of Tokyo city. Because it is famous for cherry blossum viewing spot, many people visit it during the cherry blossum season.
青山墓地(墓地内にトイレあり): 日本で始めての国営墓地で、現在は東京都の所管である。墓地の中心に道路が作られていて、通り抜けられるようになっている。明治期以降の著名人などのお墓が多いので有名である。春は桜の名所となっていて、大勢の花見客が訪れる。
Outer Garden of Meiji Jingu ( Gaien ) :The Outer Garden was completed on October 22, 1926. The garden covers an area of 33,000 meters. The Ginkgo trees along Gaien Dori, from Aoyama doriguchi to Gaien Cyuo Park, is famous for beautiful colored leaves. The walkways have benches alongside that are best for stopping for a rest. Selan is a beautiful cafe near the entrance where you can spend a relaxing time enjoying the Ginkgos.
Every Sunday and National holidays from 9.30a.m. to 3.30p.m, the 1.2 Km around the Gaien is open to the public as a bicycle path. There is a free rental bicycle service you can use.
明治神宮外苑いちょう並木 : 銀杏並木に沿って両側に広い歩道が作られている。ベンチも配されていて、散歩の途中でひと休みするのにちょうど良い。通りには素敵なカフェ(Selan)もあり、静かな雰囲気を楽しみながらオープンテラスでお茶をするのもおすすめ。
Quite a few embassies are located along Aoyama Blvd. Canada and Cambodia to name a few.
Toraya (Restroom inside) : Toraya is one of the oldest confectioneries in Japan. Toraya has been supplying confectionery to the Imperial Family since the 16th century. In Akasaka, they have a confectionery shop and a tea room where you can have beautiful Wagashi (Japanese confectionery) with Matcha, Japanese green powdered tea.
赤坂見附駅近くの青山通り沿いにスターバックスがあるのでここをポタリングのフィニッシュとする。 目の前には赤坂プリンスホテルがあり、クリスマスにはライトアップされる。三宅坂経由で東京駅にも近いロケーションである。
You can end your day at Toraya, but if you're more comfortable with coffee than Mattcha, there's a Starbucks nearby.
Starbucks Coffee Akasaka-mitsuke (Restroom inside) : Starbacks Coffee at Akasaka-mitsuke. It takes about 3 minutes to walk from Starback coffee to the nearest subway station, Akasaka-mitsuke.
Starbucks Coffee(赤坂見附店-青山通り沿い)*店内にトイレあり
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