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October 2008 Archives

October 6, 2008


Here's a really nice book about everyday life, travel and culture in Japan. Just about everything you'll want to know (and need to know) about Japanese life. In addition to detailed and up-to-date (second edition, published September 2008 !) information about life in Japan, the book gives the reader a very good veiw of all parts of Japan by covering all regions of Japan. A great read whether you're planning a trip to Japan, or you're just dreaming about one !

The book recommends bicycles as a very good transportaion method, and mentions Cycle Tokyo! as a good resource for Tokyo biking information. Guess what... the book is written by Ruthy Kanagy, our advisor ! :-) Since she has experience living in Japan herself, the book is really down to earth in terms of living information.

About October 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Cycle Tokyo ! Weblog in October 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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February 2009 is the next archive.

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