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March 2008 Archives

March 2, 2008

Spring Approaching

March here...
The cold weather is just about to wear away in Tokyo, with some warm days (in between cold days) this few days. Look out for hay fever though, Tokyo expects alot of cedar pollen this year.
The cherry season is expected in April, when it'll be a great time for cycling.
Anyways, let's get ready to ride !

March 29, 2008

Sakura Season

The cherry trees, or sakura are in full bloom right now in Tokyo. It's said that the bloom in Tokyo should be at it's best this couple of weeks. There were alot of people outside today strolling under the trees to enjoy the beautiful light pink blossoms. Tomorrow, and the coming week should be a really good time to get on your bike and cycle around Tokyo visiting several cherry blossom spots. The bicycle is an ideal way of getting aound the city for this kind of purpose.
Oh, please do be careful riding because there will be lots of people walking with their eyes on the cherry blossoms, not your bike. :-)

The link below lists some good cherry blossom spots.

About March 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Cycle Tokyo ! Weblog in March 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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May 2008 is the next archive.

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